皇家公开赛系列塞维•巴勒斯特罗斯 SB1 Closeup 皇家公开赛系列塞维•巴勒斯特罗斯 SB1 Lifestyle 1 皇家公开赛系列塞维•巴勒斯特罗斯 SB1 Lifestyle 2

皇家公开赛系列塞维•巴勒斯特罗斯 SB1

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Now a new milestone in the history of golf and watches has been achieved with the golf legend Severiano Ballesteros: a golf watch with a case forged from the steel of the golf clubs with which Seve Ballesteros won the Chunichi Crowns Open in 1991 in a strictly limited edition of 50 watches for the entire world, with the personal signature of Seve Ballesteros.

The Chunichi Crowns Open is part of the Japan Golf Tour and was won by Seve Ballesteros in 1991 with 275 strokes (5 under par). The 1 to 9 irons as well as the pitching wedge and sand wedge used there by him have been forged into 50 watch cases for the exclusive «Seve Ballesteros» limited series. The processing method chosen with the melting of the golf clubs, casting in a mold and subsequent forging of the case makes it possible to tell which watch case comes from which of Seve’s irons. So if you golf with a «Seve Ballesteros» by Jaermann & Stübi, you’ll always make your stroke with an iron from Seve. And if the ball sometimes doesn’t land on the fairway, just remember the unforgettable shots Seve made with this iron.

Link to booklet Seve Ballesteros SB1

型: 皇家公开赛系列塞维•巴勒斯特罗斯
参考号: SB1
表殼: 经研磨抛光处理的精钢、钛金和有色金材料,防震装置及累计杆数装置,表背有八颗螺栓及浮雕,1.8毫米防刮蓝宝石水晶玻璃,可旋转表盘,陶瓷滚珠轴承,让杆差点显示。
錶帶: 橡胶或皮革表带,镶色线缝,内衬吸汗皮革。
尺寸: 44 毫米
機芯: 自动机械式机芯,口径A10-2,25颗红宝石,因家百录防震,赫兹或摆频每小时28800次,42小时能量储备。蓝色螺栓,铭刻有叶曼时度时计狮鹫标志。
周折: 拥有专利的JS02/JS03/JS04高尔夫球杆数累计装置,存记3个不同的纪录(其一为返指针,非所有款式皆同),陶瓷滚珠轴承,4 颗宝石。
功能: 报时,报分,长针报秒,每洞杆数纪录,总杆数,每局洞数显示,让杆差点显示。
防水性能: 100米